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Our guiding principles


We are a self-help association, committed to the welfare of people with intellectual disabilities.

Our members are people with disabilities, their relatives, those with power of attorney, patrons and friends.

We advocate the creation of a social environment in which everyone with a disability and their families are included from the start.

Our association helps us, as people with disabilities, to gain control of our own lives and take an active part in the life of the community.

As employers, we hire full-time staff and volunteers who aspire to the goals set by Lebenshilfe and work to achieve these.

ln serving the interests of people with disabilities, we and our staff work together in partnership with relatives and those with power of attorney.

We support each other in striving to achieve our common goals.

We encourage and foster the sense of togetherness shared between different generations.

As a strong community we represent our interests in the social and political arena.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the set of principles underpinning the work of Lebenshilfe, and the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany provide the guidelines for the way we operate.

We consider ourselves to be responsible for the implementation and further development of our guiding principles:

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